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    Raffaele Montella has worked as an assistant professor, with tenure, in Computer Science at the Department of Science and Technologies, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy, since 2005.

    Since 2022 he has been Associate Professor in Computer Science, working for the same institution.

    His main research topics and scientific production are focused on: tools for high-performance computing, cloud computing, and GPUs with applications in the field of computational environmental science (multi-dimensional geo-referenced big data, distributed computing for modeling and scientific workflows, and science gateways) leveraging on his previous (and still ongoing) experiences in embedded, mobile, wearable, pervasive computing, and Internet of Things.

    His research activity is proven by his scientific production consisting of peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, conference presentations, and collaborations with national (HPC Key Technologies and Tools/National Inter-universities Consortium for Informatics, HPC-KTT/CINI; Department of Mathematics and Applications/University of Naples Federico II, DMA/UNINA; Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems/the University of Calabria, DiMES/UNICAL) and international groups (Mathematics and Computer Science Division/Argonne National Laboratory, MCS/ANL; Computation Institute/the University of Chicago, CI/UoC; Computer Architecture, Communications and Systems Group/Department of Computer Science/University Carlos III of Madrid, ARCOS/UoMC3; Cinvestav Tamaulipas, Adaptive Heterogeneous Storage Research Group, Victoria, Mexico), his participation in and management of scientific and industrial research projects.